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Important Recruiting Metrics You Need to Measure

Discover key recruiting metrics to track & improve your recruiting process.

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Alright, picture this: You're the captain of a ship cruising through the turbulent waters of recruitment. But instead of relying on instinct alone to navigate, you've got this nifty tool called recruitment metrics to steer you in the right direction. So, what exactly are these metrics, you ask?

Well, think of them as your trusty sidekick in the world of hiring. They're not just boring numbers on a spreadsheet; they're like your own personal GPS, guiding you through the hiring process with precision and finesse.

Recruitment metrics are all about measuring the effectiveness and efficiency of your hiring efforts. They help you track things like how long it takes to fill a position (aka time to hire), how well your new hires are performing (quality of hire), and even how happy candidates are with your hiring process (candidate satisfaction).

But why should you care about these metrics, you might wonder? Simple: they help you make better decisions. By analysing these numbers, you can spot trends, identify areas for improvement, and ultimately, make smarter choices when it comes to hiring.

For example, let's say you notice that it's taking way too long to fill certain positions. Armed with this insight, you can tweak your recruitment strategy to speed things up, whether that means streamlining your interview process or ramping up your candidate sourcing efforts.

Or maybe you discover that the quality of hires from a particular source is off the charts. Now you know where to focus your recruiting efforts to find more top-notch talent.

Now with the groundwork laid, let's delve into the most important recruiting metrics.

Top recruiting metrics to consider

Most Frequently used Recruiting Metrics 

While there’s no one-size-fits-all approach, certain metrics stand out for their ability to provide actionable insights.

Consider tracking:

Time to Fill

What is it? Time to fill measures days to hire, from job posting to offer acceptance.

Why is it important? Delays cost money, miss deadlines, and lose top talent.


  • Financial strain: Extra advertising, agency fees, or overtime.
  • Missed deadlines: Delays in projects and potential reputation damage.
  • Lost talent: Top candidates move on to faster-moving companies.

Optimise your time to fill:

  • Set clear goals.
  • Improve communication between teams.
  • Utilise technology like applicant tracking systems.
  • Review and refine hiring strategies.

Remember: A shorter time to fill saves costs, meets deadlines, and attracts top talent. Be mindful of it in your hiring journey!

Time to Hire 

Every day an open position sits unfilled, your company loses. Time to hire measures this crucial metric, reflecting how quickly you find qualified talent.

Why it matters:

  • Productivity: Empty roles leave extra workload, impacting morale and performance.
  • Candidate experience: Slow processes deter top talent, leaving you with a weaker pool.

Reduce time to hire with:

  • Clear, detailed job descriptions: Attract the right candidates, minimising resume screening time.
  • Streamlined interview process: Set expectations and timelines, keep everyone on track. Consider video interviews and assessments for faster screening.
  • Talent pipeline: Build a network of interested candidates for swift hiring when positions open.

Faster hiring means better outcomes for both your company and your candidates!

Source of Hire

Recruiting top talent requires knowing where they come from. The source of hire, the channel candidates discover and apply through, reveals which strategies work best. This information helps refine future efforts.

Imagine job boards, social media, employee referrals, and agencies as talent pipelines. Tracking which ones deliver the best hires (e.g., many from referrals?) allows recruiters to invest resources wisely.

Source of hire also measures ROI. Comparing hiring costs with candidate quality from each source helps optimise budgets. Remember, the best source can vary depending on the role, industry, and location.

Adapting strategies based on changing source of hire patterns is key. This valuable data empowers recruiters to make informed decisions, attract top talent, and fuel organisational growth. So, track your source of hire and recruit smarter!

Quality of hire

Recruiters play a critical role in organisational success, but how do they know they're hiring effectively? Enter "quality of hire," a measure of new employee performance and contribution. Key metrics reveal the effectiveness of recruitment:

1. Performance appraisal: Compares new hires' performance to expectations and existing employees, indicating how well your recruitment aligns with needs.

2. Employee retention: High turnover can signal poor quality of hire. Tracking retention identifies whether you're finding individuals suited for long-term success.

3. Time-to-fill: A lengthy recruitment process can be costly and miss opportunities. Analyse time-to-fill alongside new hire performance to assess efficiency.

4. Manager and colleague feedback: Gauging feedback on integration, collaboration, and overall fit provides valuable insights into how well new hires blend into the team.

By measuring these metrics, recruiters gain crucial data to make informed decisions and continuously improve their hiring strategies, ultimately building high-performing teams through effective talent acquisition.

Cost per hire 

Recruiters, ever wonder how much it costs to fill a position? Enter cost per hire, your key metric for efficient hiring. It tracks all expenses, from ads to onboarding, highlighting your recruitment budget's effectiveness.

Why care? It impacts your bottom line. High costs and low retention signal issues. Tracking it helps identify and fix these red flags.

Calculating it is simple: add all hiring costs (direct and indirect) and divide by the number of hires in a period.

But remember, it's just a number. Use it to analyse your strategies and make data-driven decisions. Can you save without sacrificing quality? Where can investments boost results? By understanding cost per hire, you unlock insights to improve your recruitment process and become a recruiting rockstar.

Candidate Retention Rate  

Hold onto your hires, recruiters! It's not just about finding great candidates, but keeping them happy and thriving. That's where the candidate retention rate comes in – the cool kid on the block measuring how long your recruits stick around.

Think of it like a thermostat for your talent. A high rate means your hiring process is on fire, matching folks with roles they love. A low rate? Time to adjust the dial!

Why's this important? Well, hiring new people is expensive, and unhappy ones leave quickly, taking valuable skills with them. Tracking retention helps you identify areas for improvement, like unclear job descriptions or lack of onboarding support.

Here's how to crank up your retention:

  • Be honest: Don't sugarcoat the job! Clear descriptions set realistic expectations and avoid nasty surprises.
  • Onboard like a pro: Make newbies feel welcome with resources, support, and regular check-ins.
  • Show them you care: Invest in mentorship, training, and opportunities for growth. Happy employees stay employees!

Remember, a strong retention rate is a win-win. You save money, build a loyal team, and attract even better talent. So grab your metaphorical wrench and adjust that dial – your talent thermostat awaits.

How to effectively track and analyse recruiting metrics

To track and analyse recruiting metrics effectively, it's vital to establish a robust HR analytics system. This serves as the foundation for collecting and storing recruitment data accurately. 

  • Utilising Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) can streamline the hiring process and provide valuable insights into various recruitment stages, such as application numbers and time-to-hire.
  • Beyond ATS, specialised recruitment data analysis tools offer deeper insights, enabling the identification of trends, patterns, and bottlenecks in the recruitment process. Analysing hiring data helps in better resource allocation and planning recruitment efforts.
  • Interpreting metrics is key to enhancing talent acquisition strategies. Identifying trends can optimise recruitment efforts, while pinpointing bottlenecks allows for targeted actions to streamline processes.
  • Making data-driven decisions is imperative for improved hiring outcomes. Utilise data to invest in branding, optimise interview processes, and align hiring with organisational needs.
  • Common challenges in measuring and analysing recruiting metrics include data accuracy and reliability. Establish clear data collection procedures, conduct regular audits, and employ automated tools to mitigate errors.
  • Data privacy and security are paramount in the digitised HR landscape. Comply with regulations and establish robust security policies to maintain candidate trust.
  • Resistance to change in HR practices can hinder the adoption of new metrics and tools. Highlight the benefits of data-driven decision-making, provide adequate training, and involve the team in the implementation process to foster acceptance and innovation.


It's not just about gathering data; it's what you do with it that matters. Ongoing tracking and analysis of recruiting metrics ensure that your hiring process remains dynamic, adapts to changes, and evolves with your organisational needs. This vigilance not only elevates your talent acquisition strategy but positions your team to proactively address challenges before they become obstacles.

Sandra Rachel Oommen

Content Marketer

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